
Showing posts from 2020

Klim en klouter

 Een van die nuwe klimrame en speelplek vir kinder by die Punt .

St Blaize Cave


Another photo at the Point

  Living and working in the central of Mossel Bay makes it easy to visit the Point regularly. And I cannot visit without taking a photo. Therefore here is another photo at the Point.

St Blaize Lighthouse


Pebbles in the Poort


Mossel Bay


Spelende dolfyne by die Punt


"Picking up pebbles and throwing them into the sea"

 Every time I take my son to the Poort he want to throw rocks into the water. And then, for the rest of the day, I have the song "Picking up pebbles" by Cornelia stuck in my head. Here is the lyrics of the song and a link to listen Look at the kids on the sandy shore Watching the tide come in I used to do the same sweet things What pleasures it did bring Picking up pebbles and throwing them into the sea Watching the white surf carry them all back to me But now it's all over I've grown up it don't seem the same The things in my childhood I know are all just a game To sit in my bed and watch the stars High up in the sky To say my prayers and off to sleep And then to wave them goodbye Wouldn't it be nice if clocks could be turn back the years Just to relive the good times and all of the tears Oh God it brings joy to see them in looking so gay How I wish I could go back to my childhood days Look at the kids on the sandy shore Watching the tide come in I used to do...

Chasing birds

 What can be more fun for a 6-year old than chasing doves. He does it every time we stop at the Point.

Another view of the Poort

'n Ander uitkyk van die Poort tydens laagwater met springgety .......... Another view of the Poort during low tide during spring tide.  

A touch of purple at the Point


Bome in die Vintcent Park

Soos die vorige foto was ek geplaas is,is die foto geneem in die Vintcent Park of Trim Park. .......... Like in my prevous post, this photo was taken in the Vintcent Park or Trim Park.  

Vintcent Park

Ek weet al jare van die Vintcent Park of Trim Park in 18de Laan, maar het dit nog nooit besoek nie.  Nadat ek op 4 September 2020 in die Mosselbaai Advertiser gelees het dat die Park gered is van ontwikkeling, moes ek 'n draai gaan maak om self te sien.   Die pad om by die ngang te kom is nou en verwaarloos, maar ek het nie besef hoe groot die park is nie.  Dit is 'n lieflike oop stuk grond met pragtige groot bome.  Die park het baie potensiaal en ek hoop dit gaan 'n lieflike plek raak vir inwoners om te gaan stap of ontspan ......... I have known about the Vintcent Park or Trim Park in 18th Avenue for years, but have never visited it. After reading in the Mossel Bay Advertiser on 4 September 2020 that the Park was saved from development, I had to make a detour to see for myself. The road to get to the entrance is narrow and neglected, but I did not realize how big the park is. It is a lovely open piece of land with beautiful large trees. The park has a lot of p...

Roomys by die Punt

  Dit is 'n heerlike langnaweek wat voorlĆŖ.   Ek hoop julle het tyd vir 'n lekker roomys by die Punt. .......... It's is time for a nice long weekend.  I hope you have time for a ice cream at the Point.

A Rainy day at the Poort

  Verlede week het ons 'n paar reĆ«nerige dae gehad in Mosselbaai.  Ek het heeltyd rondgeloop met "A Rainy Night in Georgia" van Brook Brenton in my kop.  Maar selfs met reĆ«n bly dit lekker om by die see te gaan stap. Last week we had a few rainy days in Mossel Bay and for some reason I had the song "A Rainy Night in Georgia" by Brook Brenton stuck in my head.  But even on a rainy day I enjoy a walk next to the ocean.

Bridge at the Poort

  Daar is niks lekkerder as 'n roomys by die Punt na 'n lang week. There is nothing better than an ice cream at the Point after a long week.

Gelukkige Lentedag

  Hierdie jaar het lente begin met 'n paar stormagtige dae,  maar gister was dit 'n heerlike dag om bietjie ons voete te gaan natmaak. *** This year spring has begun with some stormy days, but yesterday it was a lovely day to go wet our feet a bit.

Santos Beach and the Malay Graves

Photo overlooking the Santos Beach from George Road. The Malay Graves, situated in the Dias Museum Complex, can also be seen in the photo.

The brave one

Late Friday afternoon my son was the only brave one  to take a swim in the cold water of the Paddling Pool at the Point